Two of my more recently purchased 8D's had the backlight feature killed when I wire cloned them from my original 8D. From new one would restart itself two or three times in the first 5 minutes of operation, then would be fine for the rest of the day. From from the get-go features began playing up.

While they all worked OK, with reasonably good power output, and with a decent antenna would punch out on simplex over 20km on vhf. I have owned 5 of these for about three years, and used most of them on a weekly basis. The KG-uv8d promises a lot, and Wouxun's attempt to squeeze so many features into a hand held have come up short, in the long term anyway. One phrase sums it up: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably won't measure up to your expectation. I'd give the UV8D a 5/5, but the antenna issue lowered my score to 4/5. If you purchase one, don't forget to test the antenna !!! VHF tests to come when i'll have a decent dual band whip. The antenna was defective !!! Replaced it by a UHF whip and finally recovered a real radio.Įxcellemt Rx, solid Tx.

I've put my KG-UV8D aside, highly disappointed.įinally, one week ago, i've made a more serious Rx test via a Narda 30 dB directional coupler and the load / antenna desensitization test.įinally the UV8D showed excellent RF immunity, being desensitized by only 1 dB on an external antenna over a termination.įinally, the ultimate test: An old analogue diode RF field strength meter !!! You guessed it: Nothing, Niet, Nada. I suspected the Wouxun to be highly sensitive to RF noise and desentisization, having found similar Rx crap on another Mandarium radio: the Puxing PX-888 Tested sensitivity on an Agilent 8921 and found an excellent -121 dBm, but on the air, awful receive. Mediocre sensitivity, highly noisy receive and baaad transmit. Bought my KG-UV8D a few months ago and my first impressions were simply awful.